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Fatehaven Download For Pc Highly Compressed

About This Game Combat, romance, adventure, and of course—magic! Master four elements and take on fate itself in this epic, interactive fantasy tale! Six possible endings. Four hours for a single playthrough. Three love interests. Countless choices. Male or female? Leader or loner? Good or evil? What kind of mage will you be? "Fatehaven" is a 110,000-word interactive fantasy novel by Devon Connell, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based--without graphics or sound effects--and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. 6d5b4406ea Title: FatehavenGenre: Adventure, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Hosted GamesPublisher:Hosted GamesRelease Date: 8 Aug, 2014 Fatehaven Download For Pc Highly Compressed I'm afraid I can't recommend this product. As the author of Fatehaven seems to have missed the point of interactive novels, namely the part where they're interactive. I will admit that I haven't finished the whole game, as I'm hoping to get a refund, but judging by the first four chapters, the story flows more like a novel, and, to be fair, is well written and enjoyable. But that's undermined by the fact that the 'decisions' you make in this story have little consequence outside of choosing the gender, sexuality and name of the MC.Otherwise, all choices lead to the same conclusion, with a little varying dialogue beng the only real difference between them. Entire pages will pass by without a single decision at all during the "serious" moments of the story. Your characters personality is also set in stone, with them constantly being a pervert (which can get kind of annoying) or automatically having certain opinions on things.But the biggest example of how linear this game this would have to be the inclusion of the "corruption" stat. As the name implies, it determines how evil your character is, starting at zero, but steadily rising the more you kill people, or the more people die. There's only one small problem, as listed above, none of your decisions matter, so the corruption stat will simply raise automatically, independant of any choices you make. No really, mine rose from 0 to 20 during one of the earlier mentioned moments where pages pass without there being any decisions from you.Worse yet, is the illusion of free will they try to create in the game. For example, in battle, you have two choices, kill the opponent with X, or kill the opponent with Y, that's it (Either choice raises your corruption level, btw). Why not have an option to knock them out or restrain them? Especially if you're going to have this "corruption" stat be a part of the game, you could have choosing a non-lethal option lower it instead of raise it. But no, that's too much interaction for this interactive novel.Final verdict: 3.5\/10. The non-serious, overly comic style of writing may be enjoyable by some and not by others. However, dying in a random way when two options are given, with no idea what can or should happen, more than two hours into the story in the seventh chapter and no having a chance to even re-start that chapter, instead being forced to start again from the very first page, is not something anyone should enjoy.. This was a truely amazing story. Leaving you with the desire to play it again just to see how different things could have been. By far one my most enjoyed choice adventures by Devon Connell. Without a question if you enjoy choice games you'll enjoy this one. My thanks on such an epic story and adventure. A+++. Rescued an elf girl. Got sidetracked by her body.Learned magic was real by said elf girl.Got trained in magic by elf girl.Found elf girl was daughter of an lich. Would still tap elf girl.Best friend tried to kill elf girl. Punched best friend in face.Village massacred by paladins.Learned it was partially best friends fault.Choked out best friend while surrounded by an inferno.Spared best friends life.Killed an orc by shoving spear up her\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665Left husk of an village.Went to city.Became an mercanary.Found a CAT GIRL! Got sidetracked by CAT GIRL's body.Sidequest happens.Burned down a chapel while proclaiming god is the devil, and all paladins are demons, and floating in mid-air with cape fluttering dramatically.Took saved maiden to hotel.Maiden becomes an succubus.Chokes out bad-touch succubus. Try to bash succubus' head in with bed.Get stopped by CAT GIRL!.Get told to help royal family's adviser.Arrive at villa.Find out adviser is a weird blue skinned elf thing that also has magic. Also get sidetracked by her body.Engaged in MORTAL KOMBAT with demon lady. Killed her with her own magic.Leave to find elf girl and save the day.CAT GIRL and best friend from village join me.Both of them die in the tower.Get to top of tower and find final boss.Kill final boss by literally exploding his lungs from inside his body.Find out elf girl is behind everything.Find out real reason for everything.Meteor kills everyone.Get sent back in time to the beginning.Fix everything.Become the avatar.Destroy an invading army in 5 seconds.Tell King to stuff it.Find Cat Girl again.Seduce Cat Girl, and make her mine forever.Become an saint in death.10\/10 would become an pshychotic mass murdering-stalker again.. The best way to explain this little gem would be: The Closest to the Dragon Age (The good ones) saga you can see in text form.I won't lie. The amount of choices, the backstories and many of the events that happen in this game are the ones you could expect from a Bioware Game with little Bethesda touches. And the best part, is that it's good. Really good.Choices are abundant and every situation must be tackled obeying your strenghts.Even the realationships follow the same system that Bioware does.In short: it's amazing, and can entertain you for a looooooooooooooong time.That, if you like to read and know how to use your imagination.Well spent money.. The non-serious, overly comic style of writing may be enjoyable by some and not by others. However, dying in a random way when two options are given, with no idea what can or should happen, more than two hours into the story in the seventh chapter and no having a chance to even re-start that chapter, instead being forced to start again from the very first page, is not something anyone should enjoy.

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